October, 2024
The Magic of Cycles and the Enchantment of the Change of Seasons
Every season, and the changes between the seasons, each bring their own magic. As our Earth shifts her rhythms, we do as well, and we can ignite our own journeys of transformation as the seasons change and with each new cycle.
Whether we are embracing physical improvements, mental/ emotional elevations, or spiritual advancements (or all three!), we are reliably supported by celestial rhythms and cycles.
Just as our Earth ebbs and flows, so do we. Each season carries distinct rhythms, openings and opportunities for our earthly mother to prepare for and pursue rejuvenation and regeneration, and the same opportunities exist for us.
Each change of season can energetically support us in jump-shifting our progress. So, as we regularly take care to nurture our physical bodies as well as our mental, emotional and spiritual well-being, we can rejoice in knowing that our efforts receive a special boost with the resonance of each change of season. Delightful!
And, we also have an inherent connection to cycles – each day, each year, each moon cycle, and so on – and each also offer their own opportunities for transend-sion.
For example, many people follow rituals of annual “Spring cleaning”. The deep knowing of the specialness of this time is understood and leveraged by so many. Sure, for those locales with cold winters, the Spring can bring warmer temperatures where we can open the windows to air out our homes, and perhaps take the rugs outside to shake off the dust, etc. Still, it seems that we have an inherent awareness and understanding of the unique opportunity for renewal connected with Spring.
As another example, I think many can feel the magic of New Year’s Eve. This is more than a made-up date for renewal – rather, the many decades of intention and resolutions for positive improvement have created a collective resonance, to which we are all connected. At this time, the power of good intentions shaped by humanity can be felt. Even more potent for new beginnings, is the number sequence 11:11!
Fortunately, we do not have to wait for the New Year or 11:11, as we are each presented with “renewal points” quite frequently. Each day represents a renewal point. Yes, indeed! Each day opens a new door to us, where we can start anew. What a gift! And each moon phase carries its own, incredibly special blessings. We also, have the power to connect in with these special dates/ times at any point – just with our intention.
The delights and wonders of healings and transformation – beyond the mundane – lie within us. And so many are reawakening to the splendor. We are magical projections into the world, and we can be reignited by the enchantment that surrounds us. All we need to do, is to tap in …
August, 2024
Stepping Up on our Platform
Nothing herein nor in any related content, post, broadcast, message or blog should be taken as medical or personal advice nor as a diagnosis or prescription in any form.
I wanted to share another quick method for helping to raise our light levels and helping to support our ascension, our elevation, and our well-being.
I call this method Stepping Up on Our Platform.
Here, we imagine a platform above us, as high as we wish. And this platform is comprised of and contains the qualities we wish to embody and exemplify.
For example, I like to envision a platform of peace, clarity, and happiness; or faith, hope, and joy; or confidence, courage, and surety, and so on. Whatever qualities we wish.
And then, I step up onto the platform. And I feel those feelings become me.
I love this simple exercise and I would like to thank Paul Selig for this idea.
May 17, 2024
Three Quick Methods …
Nothing herein nor in any related content, post, broadcast, or blog should be taken as medical advice nor as a diagnosis or prescription in any form.
Three quick methods for raising our light levels and helping support our ascension, our elevation, and our well-being, include:
Tapping into our Heart
Our hearts remain consistently, higher-dimensionally focused, even when we have experienced trials and strife, and regardless of what is happening in our lives. Our hearts retain the knowing of the fullness of who we are, and can shine love and light onto any situation or onto unhelpful thoughts or beliefs. Our hearts can infuse those things we are ready to let go of into higher light and love, to shift and transform them into a more-elevated state. If you are not used to tapping into your heart, putting one or both hands on your heart can help, as can breathing into your heart. We can also allow challenging thoughts or memories to drop lightly into our hearts for transmutation into an elevated state.
Breathing in Light and Love
Our breath is the movement of spirit through matter, and we can inhale light and love and support – into our lungs certainly – but also, into all parts and sides of our bodies and energy fields. And, we can exhale light and love and support to others, also from all parts and sides of our bodies and energy fields. We CAN receive as well as shine light and love. Now, bringing in these high frequencies can sometimes, leave one feeling light-headed. As such, it is not recommended to do this while driving or operating heavy machinery. If you feel light-headed or “woozy”, you can ground your energies by walking barefoot on the Earth, or by touching a tree, or by imagining roots growing from your feet into the Earth, or even just by placing both hands on your thighs.
Expanding our Circle
In this technique, we can imagine if we wish, that we are standing in the center of a circle, and on the outside edge of the circle, is an attribute we seek. Perhaps continuous clarity … perhaps peace … whatever attribute we want to embody. And as we see that attribute or those attributes on the outside edge of the circle, then, we redraw the circle a bit larger to now encompass and include those attributes in our circle – now in our field. Those attributes become our qualities. And this is more than symbolic – it is an expression of our choice to intentionally align with higher attributes that can have real and wonderful results. Here, we acknowledge and claim our power as the ones in authority to continually improve. I would like to credit Paul Selig for this technique.
I hope you find these helpful. As always, I wish you the absolute best!
February 26, 2024
Flower Blessings
Please remember that nothing herein should be taken as medical advice nor a diagnosis or prescription in any form. Thank you for always making the sovereign choices that are best-suited to you.
Over time, I have discovered and documented many healing aspects of Nature and of flowers, and am excited to share that researchers are also, beginning to take note.
For example, researchers at several institutions of higher learning, including Harvard, Texas A&M, Tel Aviv University and Rutgers have reported that including flowers in our lives can provide many benefits, including helping to:
- encourage health and healing
- reduce stress
- decrease depression
- increase our self-esteem
- evoke an increased sense of happiness
- increase compassion for others
- help refresh recent memory in seniors
- help encourage companionship-seeking in seniors
- improve creativity, innovation and creative problem-solving
- perk up morning moods
- boost enthusiasm for work
And initial research shows that participating in a flower-arranging course may help reduce pain in patients with fibromyalgia.
September 1, 2023
Please remember that nothing herein should be taken as medical advice nor a diagnosis or prescription in any form. Please and as always, make the sovereign choices that are best-suited to you.
Roses (Rosa spp.) are part of The Rose Family, which includes many fruiting plants, including almonds, apricots, cherries, nectarines, peaches and plums (Prunus spp.); apples and crabapples (Malus spp.); hawthorns (Crataegus spp.); pears (Pyrus spp.); blackberries and raspberries (Rubus spp.); strawberries (Fragaria spp.); and more!
Like other family members, after roses bloom, they produce fruits that are technically considered “pseudo-fruits”, known as hips.
Rosehips are edible and therapeutic. Rosehips contain a high natural source of vitamin C, a highly fortifying, immune-boosting, and detoxifying nutrient, plus they contain beneficial phytonutrients.
To eat the rosehips, first remove the inner seeds and “hairs”, leaving the flesh and skin to eat. Cultivated roses, such as Rosa Rugosa, produce larger hips (approximately cherry-size) that can be “de-seeded” and “de-haired” fairly easily. Rosehips can also be made into a restorative tea.
Wild roses also produce hips, and these tend to be even more nutrient-rich, but fairly small in size (pea-size), making the de-seeding process a bit more challenging. As such, they tend to be best-used for making restorative teas.
I typically harvest our cultivated rosehips in Autumn, and harvest wild rosehips in early Winter, leaving plenty for the birds!
Enjoy Nature’s blessings!
Nothing herein nor in any related content, post, broadcast, or blog should be taken as medical advice nor as a diagnosis or prescription in any form.
Dandelions (Taraxacum officinale) are composite flowers, and what appears to be one dandelion flower is actually a flowerhead consisting of hundreds of tiny ray florets.
The tenacity of dandelions is almost unmatched among flowering plants, and thank goodness! All parts of dandelions provide benefits. Dandelion flowers contain beneficial phytonutrients and antioxidants; dandelion leaves contain multiple vitamins and minerals; and the roots have long been used for supporting digestion, detoxification, and sacred healing, and can make a tasty, caffeine-free coffee substitute.
[As always, thank you for making the sovereign choices that are best-suited to you on your journey to well-being.]
The persistence with which dandelions continue to appear signifies their unrelenting and resolute support of humanity. Dandelions can instill the importance of faithful determination, persistence, and perseverance, and inspire the pursuit of our highest happiness.
The signature golden-yellow color of their proud mane can further encourage us to assimilate higher wisdom, remaining flexible and optimistic as we navigate life: a recipe for attainment and ascension. This ability can reduce distress and inform multiple systems of the body to release defensive stances when unnecessary and instead, focus on fundamental, restorative processes.
As we flow through life with a practical and simultaneously-mystical outlook, the result is the fruition of our highest potential, as echoed by dandelion’s spherical seed head, appearing after flowering. There is something within us that understands the supreme perfection and enchantment of a natural sphere, and the decisive balancing resonance we can receive in their presence is almost unmatched.
[For more on dandelions and other sacred flowers, please see The Sacred Healing Alchemy of Flowers: Book One of the Sacred Nourishment Series: Working with Nature to Restore our Divine Blueprint and Optimize our Well-being.]