Excerpt from The Sacred Healing Alchemy of Flowers: Book 1 of the Sacred Nourishment Series: Working with Nature to Restore our Divine Blueprint and Optimize our Well-being [Copyright. All Rights Reserved]
DISCLAIMER: Nothing herein should be taken as medical advice or a prescription or diagnosis in any form.
Geraniums (Geranium spp. of the Geranium Family) include wild geraniums (G. maculatum, G. robertianum, and G. richardsonii) and cultivated varieties (G. ibericum and G. pratense, among others). These are also known as hardy geraniums due to their ability to survive temperate frosts or cranesbills for their erect seed-capsules that (in most species) resemble a crane’s beak.[1] These perennial plants, returning from winter dormancy without replanting, produce a variety of flower colors, including the pink to rose-purple petals of wild geraniums (Geranium maculatum), plus an assortment of pink, blue, purple, and white of a variety of hardy geranium species and hybrids. Hardy geraniums, as simple flowers, are frequently favorite flowers of those who tend to be self-starters or who have tended to primarily, prefer their own company.
Hardy geraniums can help us relieve frustration and stress from excessive effort and exertion that we feel is either unrewarding or, we felt was unrewarded. This can apply to work and career, as well as to work around the home, care giving, effort put forth in relationships, and so on. An abdication of responsibility though, is an abdication of liberty—meaning, a desire for external rewards or recognition necessitates action by others, which we cannot control. When we do not take responsibility for our feelings and instead, blame others or situations or lose ourselves to an addictive pattern of thought (or substance, for that matter), we lose our power to them and our soul takes great umbrage to that. From our higher perspective, we know this does not reflect our true, powerful nature, often resulting in self-disappointment and discontent that can trickle through our consciousness.
Hardy geraniums can encourage a fresh perspective as to how we can more effectively apply ourselves in ways that are aligned with our ideals and are suitable to us in all respects. As we discover our true purpose and settle comfortably into customs or vocations aligned with our ideals, we acknowledge the true source of frustration—our prior lack of response, either in action, in outlook, or in feeling, to a situation unacceptable to us. That realization can be empowering and everlasting: i.e., once we have the conscious experience of shifting from the role of a victim in any situation to feeling victorious, that feeling can free us, energize us, and empower us to be on the lookout for other scenarios where a similar shift might be warranted. Taking responsibility for ourselves in this manner is true evolution. Our heightened awareness, composure, and newfound skills become our gifts, and can develop into even more proficient abilities with repeated use. We begin to cultivate calmness and satisfaction and interact with others (as opposed to react or overreact), and we resist the urge to blame others but instead, accept self-responsibility as autonomous beings. As a result, our inner power strengthens and our esteem, poise, and self-liberty continue to increase. Our sense of playfulness also returns, and key glands in our endocrine system advance. Geraniums can guide us through this progression, prompting remembrance of our true celestial capacity.
The growth inspired in us by hardy geraniums is anticipated, given that their petals and sepals both carry the primary number of change and freedom: five. There are also five carpels and 10 stamens. Delightfully, the seed capsules of wild hardy geraniums also have five parts, each containing a single seed, and seed dispersal of geraniums can be quite exuberant! As seedpods dry, they burst open and the five sections spring upwards, catapulting seeds several feet away. Similarly, as we change, the effects can be fantastically far-reaching.
The colors of geranium petals share additional benefits: for example, pink-colored geraniums are particularly helpful in lending support and comfort that can soothe feelings of anger and frustration as well as feelings of abandonment and neglect. Pink can also foster compassion for others as well as self-compassion, and can boost self-esteem and trust. Geraniums that are magenta in color are exceptionally beneficial: magenta is an all-purpose emotional equilibrator that can help restore harmony through soul healing. Many people are sensitive to the energy of others yet can struggle to release that energy. Some individuals actually cycle the energy of others (possibly beyond their awareness) through their own energy fields, transmuting tainted energy and information, returning it to neutrality. If we are unable though to clear energies that are not our own or for our highest good, our energy can become congested.
When contaminated energy is stuck in our energy fields, whether from our own clutter or as a result of absorbing others’ energies, magenta flowers can help. When we are sensitive to others, insufficient boundaries can make us feel exposed, vulnerable, and oversensitive, and can lead to uncertainty and irritability if we are unable to discern our energy and our “stuff” from that which belongs to others. Uncertainty can result in indecisiveness, sometimes followed by an inability to take action on even simple matters. Compulsory to restoring vitality and emotional equilibrium are an awareness and understanding of the ability to transmute energy and our focused intent to clear foreign and unsupportive energies. This can help us shift from helplessness to resourcefulness. Magenta flowers are a special blessing in facilitating this process, prompting a harmonious adjustment as we call forth soul wisdom and reestablish equilibrium.
While the activities in individual life naturally are a means, or are the greater means of expression, the entity finds oft within self the beauty and the closeness of spiritual forces in the beauty of nature, as in the blush of a rose, as in the blooming of a geranium, as in those influences that arise from such things that become so much a part of God’s expression to man. Hence, the entity’s innate manifestations through such influences arise not so much from what may be called just the love of nature, as the manner in which its beauties and its loveliness are expressed and respond to that innately within the entity’s own self. – Edgar Cayce [Reading 1492-1]
[1] The name geranium comes from geranos, a Greek word for “crane”. The Geranium Family also includes the Pelargonium species of geraniums, tender plants that are often planted in containers in temperate areas. Although related, Geranium spp. and Pelargonium spp. are distinct in their growth, appearance, and seed-dispersal techniques, and Pelargonium spp. are not covered in this volume.
For more information, including the healing properties of over 70 different flowers, please see The Sacred Healing Alchemy of Flowers: Book 1 in the Sacred Nourishment Series: Working with Nature to Restore our Divine Blueprint and Optimize our Well-being, available at most major booksellers.